They are copolymer polypropylene panels, with excellent thermoforming properties, which have been designed for the orthopedic industry.

Simolife PP-C panels are used for making corsets, final prosthetic molds, functional foot orthoses, orthoses for arms, legs and hands.

Simolife PP-C is physiologically safe according to BfR, EU and FDA and is certified as biocompatible in accordance with DIN EN ISO 10993-5/-10.
Thus, products made of this plastic can come into contact with the skin without causing irritation or other conditions.

Standard Sizes

The size of the sheets is:

1000 × 2000 mm for thicknesses of 2 mm, 3 mm, 4 mm, 5 mm, 6 mm.

Note: Dimensions marked in bold are manufactured as standard and unmarked ones are valid only to order.

Applications and benefits

Applications of Simolife PP-C panels:

– final prosthetic mold
– orthoses for the legs, joints and calves
– functional foot orthoses
– arm and hand orthoses
– corsets

Benefits of Simolife PP-C panels:

– higher impact resistance than SIMOLIFE PP panels
– low sensitivity to the occurrence of cracks caused by mechanical stress
– resistant to cleaning agents, cosmetics, detergents and disinfectants

Photo Simolife PP-C

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